"Many secular and many evangelical voices agree on one ‘truism’—that if you are an orthodox Christian with a high view of the authority of the Bible, you cannot believe in evolution in any form at all. New Atheist authors such as Richard Dawkins and creationist writers such as Ken Ham seem to have arrived at consensus on this, and so more and more in the general population are treating it as given. If you believe in God, you can’t believe in evolution. If you believe in evolution, you can’t believe in God."In an excellent essay for BioLogos, Rev. Tim Keller (Redeemer Presbyterian Church) argues why Biblical faith and the scientific understanding of the formation of human life through evolutional biological processes aren't incompatible at all.
Een tijdje terug was ik behoorlijk
afgepeigerd. Leeggetrokken, zeg maar gerust. En, om eerlijk te zijn, ook
teleurgesteld in God. Problemen stapelden zich op in de kerk, en ik zag even
erg weinig van Gods betrokkenheid. Het verlamde me geestelijk. Ik kon me er
niet echt meer toe zetten om nog stille tijd te houden – ik was er wel even
klaar mee. Misschien herken je het wel.