Life to the Full - From Creation to Re-Creation
An exploration of a Protestant soteriological framework to vindicate and assess the theological notion of “salvation as wholeness” in the charismatic renewal of New Wine
VU University, Amsterdam (Research Master Thesis, cum laude), July 2014
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Kees van der Kooi and Dr. Maarten Wisse
The Spirit and the Presence of the Future
A Survey of the Pneumatological Proposals of Michael Welker and Frank D. Macchia in the context of charismatic renewal
VU University, Amsterdam (Research Paper Dogmatics and Ecumenics), June 2013
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kees van der Kooi
Wolfhart Pannenberg and the Presence of the Future
An exploration into Pannenberg's understanding of "the presence of the future" in the context of charismatic renewal
VU University, Amsterdam (Research Paper Dogmatics and Ecumenics), March 2013
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kees van der Kooi
A Kingdom of Life
An exploratory study on Kingdom theology as outlined by Jurgen Moltmann and N.T. Wright, as a framework for processing and integrating African theological perspectives in Western evangelical theology
VU University, Amsterdam (BA Thesis, cum laude), August 2012
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Kees van der Kooi and Prof. Dr. Benno van den Toren; Advisor: Prof. Dr. James Kombo (Daystar University, Nairobi)
Other papers
• “Being in Christ” and the renewal of Reformed theology (on Hans Burger and Frank D. Macchia), (supervision: dr. Maarten Wisse), 2013• Anointed to Proclaim Good News. The Baptism of Jesus: Authority and Power (on charismatic renewal, Kuyper, Barth, Moltmann and Pannenberg), (supervision: prof.dr. Kees van der Kooi), 2013
• For Yours is the Power, the Glory, and the Kingdom (on a Social Trinity and the Purpose of Church Planting, exploring Jürgen Moltmann and Miroslav Volf), (supervision: prof.dr. Stefan Paas), 2012
• Invited back into the divine dance. Jürgen Moltmann and Thomas Weinandy: The concept of a Social Trinity revisited (supervision: prof.dr. Kees van der Kooi), 2012
• Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe. Non-Western Charismatic Renewal, Contextuality and Counterculture (supervision: prof.dr. Martien Brinkman and prof.dr Benno van den Toren), 2012
• Jezus als bron en hersteller van leven. Een herwaardering van het Christus Victor-model vanuit de Afrikaanse theologie (supervision: prof.dr. Kees van der Kooi), 2010
• Research Paper on the church leadership's vision on contextualisation in the multicultural Parish of the Blessed Trinity (Amsterdam-East), (supervision: dr. Sake Stoppels), 2010
• Leren als ontmoeting. Kerkelijk vormingswerk in een internationale kerk (religion pedagogics), (supervision: dr. Alma Lanser), 2010
• Zalving bij de bevestiging in een kerkelijke bediening. Een praktisch-theologische schets (supervision: dr. Ruard Ganzevoort), 2010
• De invloed van het Afrikaanse beeld van Jezus als genezer op de christologie in Nederland (supervision: dr. Martien Brinkman), 2009
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