Over mij

I'm Ronald Westerbeek, married to Nienke (CEO of Compassion Netherlands), and proud father of two adult daughters. We used to live in 
the city of Amersfoort, moved to Arnhem in 2021. We're part of the Anglican Church there (after being part of All Saints Anglican Church in Amersfoort). I love to travel and wander, hiking in the mountains or across the Veluwe, or riding a motorbike along unmapped roads in India or Africa and winding up in small villages.

New Wine
In daily life, I've worked as a theologian for New Wine Netherlands - a movement of charismatic renewal in the churches for the last seven years. Part of my assignment was to further develop theological grounding and clarify our theological DNA. This includes developing course materials, and to be an advisor and sparring partner to local pastors and their teams in a process of Kingdom-renewal, and to develop theological training for pastors and pioneers (for instance, a four-year study program The Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit (mbo/hbo) at the Evangelisch College), and post-academic training course for pastors at the Theological University Utrecht (TUU).

PhD research again
End of 2022 I've left New Wine, to devote my time to academic research and writing a systematic-theological dissertation on the Trinity, the mission of the Spirit, and salvation as wholeness (a pneumatheological take on salvation in a post-secular culture, one could say, or: some outlines for a charismatic theology that's earthly and real, finding the Spirit not so much in triumph as in brokeness).

I'm also a lecturer (systematic theology). At the Theological University Utrecht, I teach Charismatic theology in a post-academic course on Charismatic Renewal (together with dr. Hans Burger and Klaas Bom, PThU). At the Evangelical College (Zwijndrecht) I teach pneumatology.

Curriculum Vitae:



2020-nu          Gastdocent Theologie van de charismatische vernieuwing, TUU

2020-nu          Docent Pneumatologie, Evangelisch College

2016-2022      Stafwerker Theologie New Wine Nederland

2015-2016      Bestuurslid New Wine Europe (theologie)

2013-2015      Kernteamlid New Wine Europe

2007-2013      Kerkplanter ICF Amersfoort (Grace Church & Oase), CGK en GKv

2005-2011      Hoofdredacteur christelijk opinieblad cv•koers

2000-2004      Eindredacteur christelijk opinieblad cv•koers

1995-1997      Bureauredacteur EO Radio 1

1990-1999      Freelance journalist (buitenland & cultuur)



            2015-2017      Promotieonderzoek (Systematische theologie): Living the Kingdom

                                   Graduate School for Theology

                                   Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Promotieonderzoek gericht op charismatische vernieuwing van de protestantse theologie, in het bijzonder de systematisch-theologische doordenking van “inaugurated Kingdom theology”.

Promotor:        Prof. dr. Kees van der Kooi (VU)

Co-promotor: Prof. dr. Benno van den Toren (PThU)

                        Dr. Maarten Wisse (VU)


2012-2014      Research Master Dogmatiek en Oecumenica (voltijd) (cum laude)

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

 Begeleiders:      Prof. dr. Kees van der Kooi (VU)

    Dr. Maarten Wisse (VU)

Master thesis:

Life to the Full. From Creation to Re-Creation. An exploration of a Protestant soteriological framework to vindicate and assess the theological notion of “salvation as wholeness” in the charismatic renewal of New Wine


2008-2012      Bachelor Theologie (deeltijd) (cum laude)

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


Begeleiders:   Prof. dr. Kees van der Kooi (VU)

Prof. dr. Benno van den Toren (Wycliffe Hall, Oxford)

Adviseur:        Prof. dr. James Kombo (Daystar University Nairobi)


Bachelor thesis:

A Kingdom of Life. An exploratory study on Kingdom theology as outlined by Jürgen Moltmann and N.T. Wright, as a framework for processing and integrating African theological perspectives in Western evangelical theology


1993-1995      Propedeuse Geschiedenis

Universiteit Utrecht


1989-1993      Journalistiek (HBO)

Evangelische School voor Journalistiek, Amersfoort


1983-1989      VWO

Christelijke Scholengemeenschap De Heertganck, Heerde