Tuesday, 12 January 2016

“Being in Christ” and the renewal of Reformed theology Or: How Pentecostal theologian Frank D. Macchia could help advance the endeavour of Hans Burger

In his dissertation Being in Christ (2009) Reformed theologian Hans Burger does a commendable effort to renew Reformed theology through retrieving the concept of participation in Christ, in order to warrant the relational and transformative dynamics of the gospel.

It is doubtful, however, whether his systematic-theological proposal offers the dogmatic innovations that seem to be needed to fully achieve his goals. Further steps could be taken. 

In his compelling study Baptized in the Spirit (2006), Pentecostal theologian Frank D. Macchia suggests five dogmatic moves that might be helpful to further advance Burger’s endeavour.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Geef ons vandaag uw Koninkrijk van morgen

Zonsopgang, vlak voor de top van de Kilimanjaro, 1995

'Je kunt vragen wat je wilt en het zal gebeuren,' belooft Jezus. Seriously?! Wat moeten we met die bizarre uitspraak?

Zinvloed nodigde mij uit om een blog te schrijven over het #koninkrijkvangod en het #onzevader - "Waarom zou je blijven bidden 'Uw Koninkrijk kome'?" 

Nu ook hier te lezen.